Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Personal Journal Entry #12 - The Earth Charter

                                                                                                                                         March 30, 2011

GR # 8: What is the Earth Charter

o Are the guidelines reasonable?

       "It is imperative that we, the people of Earth, declare our responsibility to one another, to the greater community of life, and to future generations." It is very reasonable to encourage individuals to help sustain the environment. Humanity is part of a vast evolving universe. Earth, our home, is alive with a unique community of life. The forces of nature make life adventurous and rewarding and we, the citizens of this planet, should appreciate the world we live in and try to make the world a better place.

o Which of these principles and standards are most applicable to our own lives?

       In my opinion, the first principle of the Earth Charter, Respect and Care for the Community of Life, can be allied to our lives. We need to (1) respect the Earth and life in all its diversity, (2) care for the community of life with understanding, compassion, and love, (3) build democratic societies that are just, participatory, sustainable, and peaceful, and (4) secure Earth's bounty and beauty for present and future generations.

       I think it is important to have these ideas because we need to recognize we live in a community. That each of us are a part of something bigger than ourselves. Everyone should take it upon themselves to care for the environment in a way that benefits them. Everyone has the ability to make a difference. To take action. To make a change. If we all agreed to do one environmentally positive action then imagine what type of world we would live in...

o Is it true that as a culture we are more interested in having more than being more?

       I think this is an accurate statement. We are in a fast-paced society and we are very consumer driven to want the best of everything. We all, even if we don't admit it, want the best for ourselves. There is always some new technology that is coming out, and we all want to own it. We all want to have the biggest TV, the fastest computer, and the coolest cell phone. But sometimes we do not realize that we can have the best without having the newest technology. Just having the opportunity to go to the store to get our food instead of farming should be something that we think about. We do not realize how blessed we are to be living in a society where we have so much. We should think more of ourselves. We should use our knowledge to give something back to the environment in which we live.

o How might the application or not of the principles and standards suggested in the Earth Charter factor into the State of the World?

       Everything is interrelated. Everything we learn in school, work, and home can be applied to everyday life. The purpose of State of the World is to live in a sustainable world and to open our eyes about the type of world we live in. Passion is a key ingredient to success. And both the Earth Charter and State of the World motivate the reader to feel passionate about something. To feel like you can make a difference in the world and in our own lives.

o Is there any real-life connections between what we have discussed in class and your service-learning project?

       My service learning project is working on a farm in Naples. I learned how to grow my own food, wash it, and package it. I am used to buying food in a store and I never truly thought about all of the work behind growing crops and getting them ready to be sold. Farming allows you to be one with the environment and after class discussions we talk about how to make a difference. I am making a difference in my service learning because I am able to help a farm in need of extra hands. I am able to learn new skills. And I am giving something back. Many things you learn in school can be applied to real life if you take the time to give it some thought and make connections.

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